About Shelby Main Street Corporation
Shelby Main Street Corporation was established in 1984 by community-minded individuals and local business leaders. It is a not for profit organization with a professional staff of one full time and one part time as well as a volunteer Board of Directors. These community leaders are enthusiastic about growing the economic vitality of our historic commercial district into a thriving small town where locals, as well as non-locals, are excited to visit and explore.
The Focus of Shelby Main Street is on the blending of retail, service, cultural, educational, and residential opportunities unique to downtown Shelbyville.
Those who benefit from the work of Shelby Main Street include governmental bodies, residents, interested citizens, business leaders, property owners, consumers, educators, cultural groups and professionals. All are working together as partners of Shelby Main Street.
Everyone has a different reason for being involved and all contribute in a different way. Shelby Main Street provides professional downtown management through a cooperative effort with all those involved in the central business district.
Shelby Main Street is a long-time member of the Kentucky Main Street Program and National Main Street, where the efforts focus on four key components: Organization, Promotion, Design, and Economic Vitality. The program was developed by the Main Street America’s National Main Street Center, a division of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Shelbyville...the best place to do life!
A special thank you to the City of Shelbyville, Shelby County Fiscal Court, and ShelbyKY Tourism, whose continued support, funding, and enthusiasm create the possibilities.